Saturday, November 9, 2019

Indigenous Languages matter for development, peace building and reconciliation

"Indigenous languages in the global village, more than just a case of survival"

The United Nations declared 2019 The Year of Indigenous Languages (IY2019) in order to raise awareness of them, not only to benefit the people who speak these languages, but also for others to appreciate the important contribution they make to our world's rich cultural diversity.

Languages play a crucial role in the daily lives of pe
ople, not only as a tool for education, communication, development and social integration, but are also at the heart of each person’s unique identity, cultural history and memory.But despite their immense value, languages around the world continue to disappear at an alarming rate.

The United Nations chose to dedicate a whole year to encourage urgent action to preserve, revitalise and promote the importance of indigenous languages in the global village. While indigenous languages may not be the most widely spoken, they are the most numerous of the worlds languages. The International Year of Indigenous Languages aims to focus attention on the risks confronting indigenous languages, especially those significant for development, reconciliation, good governance and peace building. It aims to improve quality of life, wider international cooperation and visibility and strengthened intercultural dialogue to reaffirm the continuity of indigenous languages and cultures.

Greater use of indigenous languages means a greater chance of their survival. Losing a language is more than just losing words, it is a loss of unique cultural perspectives and narratives contained within the language and culture, along with its contribution to the richness of diversity.


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