Thursday, September 19, 2019

Building A Positive School

✨We believe that our schools need to be a hub for positivity; where you feel safe and free to be yourself.✨

A growing body of research shows that school climate strongly influences students' motivation to learn and improve academic achievement. When school members feel safe, cared for, valued, respected, and engaged learning increases. Schools that provides students with support to meet these basic needs allow them to grow socially and emotionally and avoid problems ranging from emotional distress to drug use to violence, in addition to helping them achieve something.

DepEd Region 1 launches "Happy Schools Movement", this program aims to promote that every school should be a better and enjoyable place to learn. Fostering a child friendly atmosphere among the students. It also advocates to create an environment where students can freely express themselves and promote learning in an easy yet effective way of learning. Happy Schools Movement does not only concern learners but also the teachers and the school administrator. Happy teachers build in a happy environment and mold happy learners.

School heads on the other way around also play vital roles in this advocacy.They should serve as key to unlock the door and transform schools into a Happy School. Happy School Movement is indeed a very promising transformative advocacy to our schools. The students are the center of the educative process. They should be treated like a very expensive vase that once it falls, it will break. They should be treated fragile. If we create a happy and friendly school, all the students will be very excited every time they go to come to school. Students must not wake up and think, "I have to go to school today." Instead we want them to wake up and think; "I get to go to school today," because it's your school, and you must feel happy.

And if this happens, it will be more fun in schools, no students will be left behind  anymore and what a wonderful world would it be!


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